(A)   General. Proposed roadways shall extend existing roadways to the greatest extent possible, as well as provide for through access to future development. All proposed roadways shall meet the city’s adopted road standards.
   (B)   Ownership and maintenance of public space. Provision shall be made for the ownership and maintenance of streets, squares, parks, open space and other public spaces in a TS development by dedication to the city.
   (C)   Open space. Open space uses, as identified below, shall be incorporated into the TS development as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. Large outdoor recreation areas should be located at the periphery of neighborhoods rather than at central locations.
      (1)   Environmental corridors;
      (2)   Protected natural areas;
      (3)   Community parks;
      (4)   Streams, ponds, wetlands and other water bodies; and
      (5)   Storm water detention/retention facilities.
   (D)   Storm water management. The design and development of a TS subdivision should minimize off-site storm water runoff, promote on-site infiltration and minimize the discharge of pollutants to ground and surface water. Natural topography and existing land cover should be maintained and protected to the maximum extent practicable. New development and redevelopment shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   Untreated, direct storm water discharges to wetlands or surface waters are prohibited.
      (2)   Post-development peak discharge rates should not exceed pre-development peak rates.
      (3)   Erosion and sediment controls shall be implemented to remove 80% of the average annual load of total suspended solids.
      (4)   All treatment systems or BMPs shall have operation and maintenance plans to ensure that systems function as designed. These plans shall be included in the application.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008)