(A)   Pets. Pets shall be properly cared for, shall not be allowed to create problems for neighbors or the city, or become a nuisance, and shall have sanitary standards maintained consistent with § 152.094(C) of this chapter.
   (B)   Farm animals or livestock.
      (1)   No feedlots, as defined by this chapter, are allowed anywhere within the city.
      (2)   Farm animals or livestock may be raised as provided in zoning districts with proper permits; provided that, the standards of the district are not compromised.
      (3)   Farm animals or livestock shall be properly cared for, shall not create problems for neighbors or the city and shall have sanitary standards maintained consistent with § 152.094(C) of this chapter.
   (C)   Wild animals.
      (1)   The keeping of wild animals as pets, including, but not limited to, primates and large carnivores, is not allowed.
      (2)   Wildlife rehabilitation uses shall require a conditional use permit and must meet the minimum standards established by the state’s Department of Natural Resources Rules Ch. 6244.
   (D)   Hen chickens.
      (1)   No more than five hen chickens are allowed on any parcel of land in the Rural Residential (RR) District, Urban/Rural Transition Residential (TR) District, Urban Residential (UR) District, and Industrial (I) District within the city.
      (2)   Every person who owns, controls, keeps, maintains or harbors hen chickens must keep them confined on the premises at all times in a chicken coop or chicken run. Hen chickens are not allowed in any part of a house or garage.
      (3)   Any chicken coop or chicken run must comply with all applicable building and zoning codes and regulations.
      (4)   No chicken coop or run shall be constructed on any parcel of land before construction of the principal building.
      (5)   A chicken coop or run cannot be located in the front or side yard.
      (6)   A chicken coop or run must be set back at least 50 feet from any residential structure on any adjacent lot and at least ten feet from the property line.
      (7)   A chicken coop or run must be screened from view with a solid fence or landscaped buffer with a minimum height of four feet.
      (8)   A chicken coop can be no larger than ten square feet per chicken and cannot exceed six feet in height. A chicken run cannot exceed 20 square feet per chicken and the fencing cannot exceed six feet in height. A chicken run may be enclosed with wood or woven wire materials and may allow chickens to contact the ground. A chicken run must have a protective overhead netting to keep the chickens separated from other animals.
      (9)   A chicken coop must be elevated a minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 24 inches above grade to ensure circulation beneath the coop.
      (10)   Chicken grains and feed must be stored in rodent-proof containers.
      (11)   No chicken may be kept or raised in a manner as to cause injury or annoyance to persons on other property in the vicinity by reason of noise, odor or filth.
      (12)   Any chicken running at large may be impounded by the city and, after being impounded for three days or more without being reclaimed by the owner, may be destroyed or sold. A person reclaiming any impounded chicken must pay the cost of impounding and keeping the same.
   (E)   Slaughtering of animals within city limits.
      (1)   Slaughter of live animals or birds is prohibited within city limits, unless completely enclosed inside of a building.
      (2)   Any slaughtering operations shall be properly screened as defined in § 152.093.
   (F)   Processing of animals within city limits.
      (1)   Evisceration, the removal of the internal organs from a carcass, of livestock within city limits is prohibited, unless completely enclosed inside of a building.
      (2)   Animal excrements, including but not limited to blood, shall be prohibited from entering the city’s waste water collection system. Use of sewage and septic systems for animal processing shall be consistent with § 53.03(A).
      (3)   Animal processing shall meet all requirements of § 152.094(C).
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 404, passed 12-6-2021; Ord. 406, passed 4-4-2022)