The overall density of the development shall not exceed the density limits established herein.
   (A)   (1)   The density shall be computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the acreage of the project, including land dedicated to the public. Fractional portions of the final answer, after bonus point calculations, shall not apply towards the total density.
      (2)   Base density shall be determined by the density of the zoning district the proposed development is located within.
   (B)   All developments with a density of five units or greater shall be required to provide a minimum of 5% of the total lot area in open space that is not subject to bonus point calculations. Open space shall be optional for all developments of less than five units.
   (C)   The permitted base density may be increased by the percentage gained through bonus points.
   (D)   Density bonuses may be awarded based on, but not limited to, percentage of open space, amount of park dedication, building materials, sidewalks and trails, landscaping, screening, assisted living facilities, amenities, housing affordability, and other considerations that may be determined by the city.
   (E)   The specific density bonus shall be determined by the use of the city’s bonus calculator, adopted herein by reference, dated August 1, 2019, and any subsequent updates.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 395, passed 9-3-2019)