(A)   Building permits shall be required for all new construction, structural alterations and where otherwise required by the Building Code adopted by the city. Zoning permits are required for all new structures and any change in structure dimensions, structural components, number of bedrooms, construction of, or additions to, driveways, walkways and similar construction and prior to the placement of fill, excavation of materials, or the storage of materials or equipment within the floodplain. Building permits and zoning permits shall only be issued to the owner of the property.
   (B)   All building permits may be reviewed by department heads or designee, Building Official and Zoning Administrator to assure compatibility with surrounding uses and ensure adequate safety devices are installed to mitigate the potential for unplanned issues or incompatible land uses. Any comment or concern shall be forwarded to the Zoning Administrator within ten days. The Zoning Administrator will work with the building permit applicant to see the safety concern mitigated and incompatible land use abated.
   (C)   Where a proposed use requires action of the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission or Council or posting of financial security, the action shall occur and the conditional use permit, variance, zoning district change, final plat plan approval, or minor subdivision approval shall be issued or security posted before any building permit or zoning permit is issued.
   (D)   The city shall not accept applications where the applicant has past due fees or charges due to the city or the county until the account is made current.
   (E)   No applications shall be accepted by the Zoning Administrator from a contractor or property owner having outstanding violations. Permits can only be issued to contractors or property owners with outstanding violations by majority vote of the Planning Commission after the violation has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission.
   (F)   The building permit or zoning permit shall contain the parcel identification number of the property, the signature of the fee or contract owner of the property and any other reasonable information needed to determine compliance with this chapter.
   (G)   Lot corners shall be visible on the lot. The Zoning Administrator may require a new survey when stakes are not visible or have been removed through erosion, construction or other action and require that a new certificate with existing and recorded dimensions shall be provided.
   (H)   Where a covenant is required by this chapter, evidence that such a covenant has been recorded shall be provided to the Zoning Administrator.
   (I)   Unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, where a building permit or zoning permit has been issued but no action has occurred within six months, the building permit or zoning permit shall be null and void. Exterior work on the structure shall be complete in 12 months from the issuance of the permit. The time limit may be extended up to six months by the Zoning Administrator for good cause. A second extension shall be decided by the Planning Commission.
   (J)   Granting of a building permit or zoning permit shall occur when all requirements of the ordinance have been met, but shall not be considered a statement of compliance with regional, state or federal codes, statutes or laws or approval of the design of the structure or accessories or description of the property. Subsequent actions of the Zoning Administrator shall not be considered acceptance of structural components or workmanship, but rather shall be for the purpose of determining general compliance with the ordinance.
   (K)   If the Zoning Administrator determines that any violation of a permit or other section of the ordinance has occurred, the permit shall become null and void. Any violation of a building permit or provision of a Building Code adopted and administered by the city shall be subject to the proper enforcement procedures under the Building Code or other provision of law, statute or rule governing the administration and enforcement of the Building Code and this chapter.
   (L)   A building permit or zoning permit application shall include, in addition to any other information required by the application, the nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the lot, all pertinent dimensions, existing or proposed buildings, structures, significant natural features having an influence on the permit, any proposed fill, any proposed storage of materials or equipment, and shall show the location of fill or storage of materials in relation to the stream channel.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008)