(A)   Purpose and intent. To provide a residential zoning classification that contains an urban development pattern characterized by traditional grid-style lot-block layouts. Parcels are either served by or designed for city sewer and water systems, an urban road section with sidewalks and a boulevard, and are generally within walking distance of the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) District.
   (B)   Compatibility. The Urban Residential District is compatible with and must be established next to the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) District. The Urban Residential District may be established in areas abutting Urban/Rural Transition Residential (TR), Highway Commercial (C) or Industrial (I) Districts.
   (C)   Lot and density requirements.
Accessory structure size - square feet, max, cumulative
1,280 square feet
Buildable lot area (sewered) - square feet, minimum
Lot width - feet, minimum
Maximum accessory structure height - feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Maximum principal structure height - feet
Minimum lot area for animal husbandry and farm animals
5 acres
Maximum animal unit per acre
Residential maximum density (sewered)
1 units per 5,000 square feet
Setback, accessory structure from alley - feet
Setback, corner side - feet, minimum
Setback on blocks with less than 2 existing dwellings
Determined by the average setback of nearest established block as the minimum standard
Setback on blocks with 2 or more existing dwellings
Determined by the average setback of existing buildings facing the same street on the block
Setback, side - feet, minimum
6 (minimum of 10-foot separation required between buildings)
Setback, sign - feet, minimum
   (D)   Performance standards. The following performance standards apply to all development in this zone.
      (1)   Exterior storage. Storage of a recreational vehicle is allowed if stored not less than ten feet distance from any property line.
      (2)   Impervious coverage. Impervious coverage may be increased by 20% through a conditional use permit if the following is provided:
         (a)   A storm water retention plan showing containment of the five-year, 24-hour storm event on the parcel; and
         (b)   Elimination of direct runoff of storm water to adjacent water bodies, including wetlands and adjacent parcels through the use of berms or other permanent means.
      (3)   Sidewalks. Properties shall accommodate the safe and comfortable sidewalks for pedestrians. Sidewalks and paths shall connect the development to adjacent land uses and provide connections through the development to the public street right-of-way. When replacement or installation of a sidewalk is required, sidewalks shall be constructed of materials required by, and to the specifications previously adopted by the City Council.
      (4)   Boulevards. Boulevards, strips of grass or any areas between streets and sidewalks, or streets and property lines in cases where a sidewalk does not exist, shall be kept in a manner which is consistent among adjoining properties. All deviations from this consistency shall require a conditional use permit which must consider the following in addition to criteria considered under the conditional use permit review:
         (a)   The deviation will improve the aesthetic value of the neighborhood or vicinity of the improvement; and
         (b)   The deviation will improve the general public safety of the area in which the improvement is made.
      (5)   Animal husbandry. Animal husbandry and farm animals shall only be allowed in the Urban Residential District on lots with a minimum of five acres.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 403, passed 12-6-2021)