(A)   Purpose. The parks and recreational zoning district is intended to preserve, protect and enhance land set aside for public parks and for public recreational facilities and uses. The areas and facilities provide many benefits to village residents and visitors. They provide recreational and cultural opportunities; preserve natural and scenic areas; and offer refuge from the built, urban environment. The Parks and Recreational District is intended to be applied exclusively to public-owned lands.
   (B)   Compatibility. Parks and Recreational Zone is compatible with every other zoning classification and any property that meets the purpose and intent of this zoning classification.
   (C)   Lot and density requirements. There is no minimum lot size associated with the Parks and Recreational Zoning classification. Setbacks established for the adjacent zoning district shall apply.
   (D)   Performance standards. The following performance standards apply to all development in this zone.
      (1)   Walking, hiking, biking. Recreational activity uses on are allowed if not completed on private property. Appurtenances to the allowed use shall also be allowed if constructed greater than ten feet from a neighboring property line.
      (2)   Preserved natural areas. Preservation of open land for the preservation of open space and for the enjoyment of the public shall be permitted.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008)