(A)   Purpose and intent. To provide a zoning classification for preservation of sensitive areas, unique resources and designated non-developable property. Areas such as wetlands, bluffs, threatened and endangered species habitat, historic sites and lands set-aside as part of the development process should be zoned as open space.
   (B)   Compatibility. The Open Space Zone is compatible with every other zoning classification and any property that meets the purpose and intent of this zoning classification may be zoned open space.
   (C)   Lot and density requirements. There is no minimum lot size associated with the open space zoning classification. Setbacks established for the adjacent zoning district shall apply.
   (D)   Mixed zone lots. For a lot crossing, an open space zoning boundary into another zoning classification, the minimum buildable lot area shall be the same as the non-open space zoning classification with no area credit given for areas zoned open space.
   (E)   Performance standards. The following performance standards apply to all development in this zone.
      (1)   Walking, hiking, biking. Recreational activity uses are allowed if not completed on private property. Appurtenances to the allowed use shall also be allowed if constructed greater than ten feet from a neighboring property line.
      (2)   Hunting. Hunting activities on property is an allowed use given all other state statutes and rules are obeyed including complying with DNR hunting and trapping regulations, and permission granted to complete hunting activities. Permission includes complying with § 130.01 of this code of ordinances. Only portable hunting stands are permitted in this district.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008)