(A)   All structures shall be constructed in accordance with the Building Code adopted, enforced and administered by the city.
   (B)   Buildings constructed less than five feet from any other structure must be constructed with fire resistant walls requirements of the state’s Building Code. Building separation requirements of zoning districts shall still apply in addition to the fire wall separation requirements.
   (C)   All permanent structures have a foundation that complies with new State Building Code.
   (D)   Manufactured homes and modular homes shall be installed by a licensed installer and a copy of the installation compliance certificate shall be submitted to the city’s Building Inspector prior to occupancy of the dwelling.
   (E)   The following architectural requirements shall apply to the Rural Residential (RR), Urban/Rural Transition Residential (TR), Urban Residential (UR) Districts, and Downtown Mix Use (DMU).
      (1)   All dwelling units shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide, with a minimum footprint of 960 square feet in area. Single level dwelling units require a minimum roof slope of five units vertical on 12 units horizontal and a minimum 12-inch overhang.
      (2)   The side of the structure facing the street should include a functional front entry and window.
   (F)   All dwellings being moved into the city shall meet all applicable building codes and conform to the land use ordinance building standards as described in this section prior to being moved into the city.
   (G)   All dwellings should be connected to city sewer system or, if located on an individual septic treatment system, shall conform to the state’s Pollution Control Agency Standards, Minn. Rules Ch. 7080.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 337, passed 12-21-2009)