(A)   Any lot within the city for which a deed, recorded contract for deed, or other legal conveyance or plat has been executed prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be deemed a buildable lot without requiring a variance; provided that, it has at least 80% of the required lot area and lot width and that all the required setbacks can be maintained.
   (B)   Any lot in the Rural Residential Zoning District for which a deed, recorded contract for deed or other legal conveyance or plat has been executed prior to the effective date of this chapter which does not qualify as a buildable lot under division (A) above shall also be deemed buildable provided following conditions are met.
      (1)   The proposed structure and all associated development shall not require any variances from city code provisions.
      (2)   The proposed structure and all associated development shall not create a potential impediment to foreseeable public infrastructure extensions as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
      (3)   The proposed structure and all associated development can be shown to easily integrate into a future development of the subject property under urban residential development standards.
   (C)   If two or more contiguous lots in total could not be divided into two or more lots meeting the requirements of division (A) above, and are held by the same owner on the effective date of this chapter, they will be considered one lot for building and zoning purposes. A covenant, duly filed and recorded, shall be required before a building permit is issued thereon.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 340, passed 4-19-2010)