(A)   Pursuant to M.S. §§ 412.581 and 412.591, as they may be amended from time to time, and Ordinance No. 150, the offices of Clerk and Treasurer were combined into the office of Clerk-Treasurer. Said position is the position of City Administrator with the duties of the Clerk-Treasurer and day to day city administration.
   (B)   The job duties include but are not limited to:
      (1)   Serves as Chief Administrative Officer of the city; responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all policies of the city.
      (2)   Supervises the administration of all departments, offices, and divisions of the city, except as otherwise provided by law; carries out other responsibilities placed under the jurisdiction of the City Administrator by ordinance or by appropriate City Council action.
      (3)   Serves as personnel officer; responsible for implementation of city personnel policies with the authority to effectively recommend employment, discipline or removal of city employees for City Council action; represents the City Council in collective bargaining matters and negotiates with representatives of employee organizations.
      (4)   Develops and issues all administrative rules, regulations, and procedures necessary to ensure the proper functioning of all city departments, as permitted by law and City Council approval.
      (5)   Prepares and submits an annual budget to the City Council; keeps the City Council advised of the financial condition of the city; makes recommendations as necessary.
      (6)   Attends and participates in discussions at all meetings of the City Council and of other official city boards and commissions; coordinates meetings and represents the City Council as directed with municipal associations.
      (7)   Stays abreast of developments in the fields of public administration and economic development; recommends new innovations to the City Council; cooperates with governmental units and municipalities on matters of mutual interest.
      (8)   Maintains familiarity with alternative and supplemental sources of revenue, including federal and state aids, loans, grants and other sources of revenue; submits recommendations to the City Council for actions necessary to take advantage of such sources.
      (9)   Responsible for recommending annual operating and capital budgets.
      (10)   Attends monthly City Council meetings and provides and presents monthly department report.
(Ord. 383, passed 10-16-2017)