The following are declared to be nuisances affecting peace and safety:
   (A)   All snow and ice not removed from public sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow and ice have ceased to be deposited thereon;
   (B)   All wires which are strung less than 15 feet above the surface of any public street or alley;
   (C)   All buildings, walls, and other structures which have been substantially damaged by fire, decay or otherwise; all buildings, walls, and other structures which contain broken, boarded or taped windows; all buildings, walls, and other structures which have deteriorated to such an extent that they are structurally deficient or otherwise unsafe; and all buildings, walls, and other structures which are so situated so as to endanger the safety of the public;
   (D)   All explosives, inflammable liquids and other dangerous substances or materials stored or accumulated in any manner or in any amount other than that provided by law or ordinance;
   (E)   All use or display of fireworks except as provided by law or ordinance;
   (F)   All buildings and all alterations to buildings made or erected in violation of fire ordinances and building codes concerning manner and materials and construction;
   (G)   Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary use of the public streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds, except under such conditions as are provided by ordinance, and any other excavation left unprotected or uncovered indefinitely or allowed to exist in such manner as to attract minor children;
   (H)   Radio aerials strung or erected in any manner except that provided by law or ordinance;
   (I)   The piling, storing or keeping of old machinery, wrecked, junked, or inoperative vehicles, and other junk or debris;
   (J)   The use of property abutting a public street or sidewalk, or any use of a public street or sidewalk, which causes large crowds of people to gather obstructing the traffic and the free use of public streets or sidewalks, except where any such use is expressly permitted by the outdoor dining and sidewalk sale regulations set forth in § 152.037;
   (K)   All hanging signs, awnings, and other similar structures over public streets or sidewalks or so situated as to endanger public safety, not constructed or maintained as provided by law or ordinance, or without proper permit;
   (L)   The allowing of rain, water, ice, or snow to fall from any building onto any public street or sidewalk or to flow across any public sidewalk;
   (M)   All dangerous, unguarded machinery, equipment, or other property in any public place, or so situated or operated on private property so as to attract minor children;
   (N)   Throwing, dropping, or releasing printed matter, paper, or any other material or objects over and upon the city from an airplane, balloon or other aircraft or in such a manner as to cause such materials to fall on land in the city;
   (O)   Placing entrance culverts or doing any act which may alter or affect the drainage of public streets or alleys or the surface or grade of public streets, alleys, or sidewalks without proper permit;
   (P)   Making repairs to motor vehicles, or tires in public streets or alleys excepting only emergency repairs when it will not unduly impede or interfere with traffic;
   (Q)   Throwing, placing, depositing, or burning leaves, trash, clippings, weeds, grass, or other materials in the streets, alleys or gutters;
   (R)   Erecting, painting, or placing of unauthorized traffic signs or advertising signs in streets, or alleys, or on sidewalks;
   (S)   All unnecessary interferences and disturbances of radios or TV sets caused by defective electrical appliances and equipment or improper operation thereof;
   (T)   Driving scooters, bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, motorcycles, or any type of motorized vehicle or non-motorized vehicle on any sidewalk located in the downtown business district;
   (U)   To operate any private parking lot without keeping the same reasonably free from dust;
   (V)   To operate any artificial lighting devices upon any residential, commercial or industrial premises so as to cause a distraction to passing motorists or to operate said artificial lighting devices upon any residential, commercial or industrial premises without some effective device so as to protect adjacent premises from being adversely affected thereby;
   (W)   The maintenance of any tree or shrub, the roots of which are causing damage to any public sewer, sidewalk, pavement, or other public property, or setting out or planting any tree or bush in the public street or any portion thereof;
   (X)   All other conditions, acts, or things which are liable to cause injury to the person or property of another.
(Ord. 400, passed 9-7-2021; Ord. 408, passed 1-3-2023)