The objective of guidelines for new construction is to encourage a high standard of historically compatible new design. New buildings and structures should be compatible with the size, scale, massing, height, rhythm, setback, color, material, building elements, site design and character of surrounding structures as well as the broad context of the district or area. Other applicable zoning regulations should be consulted before planning new construction.
   (A)   Site evaluation. Whenever possible, existing historic buildings and landscape features should be retained and rehabilitated in plans for redevelopment.
   (B)   General character. New construction should reinforce the historic architectural and visual character of the district; specifically, it should refer to the traditional one- and two-story dwelling and commercial building module and typical setbacks already established in the district.
   (C)   Pedestrian circulation and parking. New construction should be oriented toward streets which are inviting environments for pedestrians. Parking areas should be placed at the rear of buildings wherever possible, or screened with landscaping, low walls or appropriately detailed fences.
   (D)   Views and vistas. Wherever possible, distinctive views of the river and bluffs provided from the public way should not be obstructed by new buildings or structures.
(Prior Code, § 12-1711)