The official zoning map together with all materials attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this chapter. The attached material shall include the Flood Insurance Study, Washington County, Minnesota and Incorporated Areas and Flood Insurance Rate Map Panels therein numbered 27163C0354E, 27163C0355E, 27163C0358E, 27163C0361E, 27163C0362E, 27163C0365E, 27163C0366E, 27163C0367E, 27163C0368E, 27163C0369E, 27163C0430E, 27163C0431E and 27163C0432E, all dated February 3, 2010; as updated by the Letter of Map Revision, Case No. 21-05-4359P, including the attached map, with an effective date of November 18, 2021; all prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The official zoning map shall be on file in the office of the City Administrator and the Zoning Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 12-905) (Ord. 09-2021, passed 10-19-2021)