Unless otherwise exempted by § 158.08 of this code, an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be required as part of any grading and filling permit or building permit which proposes any land disturbing activity that meets any of the following criteria:
   (A)   Any project undertaking grading, filling or other land alteration activities which involve
movement of 100 cubic yards of earth or removal of vegetation on greater than 6,000 square feet of land;
   (B)   Any project with wetland impacts, grading within public waters, grading within buffers or
within 40 feet of the bluff line; or
   (C)   A land disturbing activity, regardless of size, that the city determines is likely to cause an
adverse impact to an environmentally sensitive area or other property, or may violate any other erosion and sediment control standard set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 03-2017, passed 3-21-2017) Penalty, see § 158.99