The applicant shall submit sufficient copies of the following information and additional information if requested to the local authority 30 days prior to the public hearing on the application for a special use, variance or subdivision:
   (A)   Plat of survey showing the property location, boundaries, dimensions, elevations, blufflines, utility and roadway corridors, the ordinary high water mark, floodway and floodplain;
   (B)   The most recent aerial photo of the property with property lines drawn in;
   (C)   Location of existing and proposed structures including height and setback dimensions;
   (D)   Location of existing and proposed alterations of vegetation and topography;
   (E)   Adjoining water-oriented uses;
   (F)   Suitability of the area for on-site waste disposal. Type, size and location of the system shall be indicated. If a public or municipal wastewater collection and treatment system is to be utilized, the applicant must submit a written agreement from the municipality or sanitary authority indicating that the system has the capacity to handle the development;
   (G)   Water supply system; and
   (H)   An estimate of permanent and transient residents.
(Prior Code, § 12-836)