(A)   Unless otherwise exempted by this chapter, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) shall be required as part of any building permit or land disturbing activity that meets the criteria in Ch. 158 of this code. All related plans shall achieve at least the minimum standards of Ch. 158 of this code.
   (B)   The following general and specific standards shall apply.
      (1)   Existing natural drainageways, wetlands and vegetated soil surfaces must be used to convey, store, filter and retain stormwater runoff before discharge to public waters shall not be eliminated by construction or land disturbance.
      (2)   Impervious surface coverage of lots must not exceed 10% of the lot area or one-half acre, whichever is greater.
(Prior Code, § 12-409) (Ord. 03-2017, passed 3-21-2017)