For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMPOSTABLE. Made solely of organic substances that break down into a stable product due to the action of bacteria in a controlled, aerobic commercial process that results in a material safe and desirable as a soil amendment meeting the compost quality standards found under WAC 173-350-220 for metals, physical parameters, pathogens, manufactured inert material and other testing parameters set by the local Health Department.
DISPOSABLE PLASTIC FOOD SERVICE WARE. Non-recyclable containers, plates, “clamshells,” serving trays, meat and vegetable trays, hot and cold beverage cups and utensils that are made of plastic or plastic-coated paper and intended only for one-time use (including so-called biodegradable products where any portion is not compostable).
FOOD SERVICE BUSINESSES. Full-service restaurants, fast food restaurants, cafés, delicatessens, coffee shops, grocery stores, vending trucks or carts, business or institutional cafeterias and other businesses, selling or providing food within the city for consumption on or off the premises.
RECYCLABLE. Made solely of materials that are capable of being separated from a waste stream by a food service business and made available for collection and delivery to a processor for reuse or remanufacture into the same or other products.
SINGLE-USE FOOD SERVICE WARE. Includes, but is not limited to straws, utensils, cocktail picks, customer food containers (to-go containers) cups and plates.
(Ord. 04-2018, passed 10-1-2018)