For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   LANDOWNER. The owner-of-record of any property as shown in the most recent property tax abstracts on record in the office of the County Auditor, and includes jointly or severally two or more persons owning property in partnership or joint tenancy.
      (1)   Lawn grass or weeds which are permitted to grow to a height of more than six inches on any developed residential, commercial or industrial property (whether occupied or not), or to a height of more than one foot on any undeveloped land or land in agricultural use; or
      (2)   Trees, bushes, shrubs, vines and the like, whether cultivated or naturally growing, which are permitted to grow so as to:
         (a)   Encroach upon, obstruct the normal use of, or render hazardous a public sidewalk or vehicular thoroughfare; or
         (b)   Encroach upon, impair the normal use and enjoyment of or detract from the appearance of any adjacent public or private property.
   WEED. Any plant, vine or small bush, which is naturally growing and is not normally planted deliberately, cultivated and maintained for ornamental or agricultural purposes.
(Prior Code, § 4-1-1)