(A)   An officer enforcing traffic regulations as established by town ordinance shall, whenever practicable and except as hereafter provided, classify the offense and mark the uniform traffic citation form as a local ordinance violation so that the town will be eligible to collect or receive the respective fine into the town treasury in accordance with state law.
   (B)   In the following instances, the violation shall be classified and marked on the form as a state law violation:
      (1)   Where the violation is disobedience of a traffic-control sign or signal established, erected and maintained by the state’s Department of Highways with respect to a state highway or state- maintained route, and which governs traffic proceeding along or entering or exiting such highway or route;
      (2)   Where the violation is disobedience of a traffic-control sign or signal which has been erected by the town (whether under authority of an ordinance or otherwise) merely for information purposes so as to better secure the observance and enforcement of an applicable general state traffic law, as, for example, with respect to a statutory no parking area, as defined under state law; or
      (3)   In such places, or under such circumstances, where the application and effect of a town traffic regulation, except a regulation lawfully altering the prima facie speed limits, would serve to duplicate the provisions of a general traffic statute (other than state law) whereby the same act would also be unlawful and punishable as a misdemeanor or infraction under I.C. 9-30 et seq., or any other state law, even if there were no such town ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 7-2-6)