16.32.020 Reversion to Acreage by Final Map or Parcel Map.
Subdivided real property may be reverted to acreage by a final map or parcel map pursuant to the provisions of this Section.
   A.   Initiation of Proceedings.
      1.   Proceedings shall be initiated by petition by the owner of the property. The petition shall be on a form prescribed by the planning department and shall be accompanied by:
         a.   Evidence of ownership;
         b.   Evidence of nonuse or lack of necessity of any streets or easements to be vacated or abandoned;
         c.   Submittal of a tentative map or other application procedure which may be established by the planning director which delineates any streets or easements which are to be left in effect, provided, however, that the planning director may require a tentative tract map prepared to the standard prescribed in this Chapter;
         d.   Such other information as required by the planning department.
      2.   The City Council, at the request of any person or on its own motion, may by resolution initiate proceedings to revert property to acreage. The City Council shall direct the Planning Department to obtain the necessary information to initiate and conduct the proceedings.
   B.   Previously subdivided land consisting of four (4) or less contiguous parcels under the same ownership may be reverted to acreage by parcel map; previously subdivided land consisting of five (5) or more parcels under the same ownership shall be reverted to acreage by final map.