The provisions of this Section and the Subdivision Map Act shall govern the necessity for minor subdivision plot plan, tentative and parcel maps.
A. A tentative map may be required and a parcel map shall be required for subdivisions where a final map is not otherwise required by this Title, unless waived pursuant to this Title, and further provided that a parcel map shall not be required for subdivisions created, pursuant to Government Code 66428, by short-term leases (terminable by either party on not more than thirty (30) days notice in writing) of a portion of the operating right-of-way of a railroad corporation defined as such by Public Utilities Code Section 230, or land conveyed to or from a governmental agency, public entity, common carrier, public utility, or for land conveyed to a subsidiary of a public utility for conveyance to such public utility for rights-of-way, unless a showing is made in individual cases, upon substantial evidence, that public policy necessitates such a parcel map.
B. A parcel map shall not be required for the construction of a condominium project or for the conversion of an existing structure to a condominium on a single parcel shown on a final map or parcel map recorded after January 1, 1960, provided, however, the planning officer may require that a parcel map be filed for the purposes of obtaining improvements, additional easements and dedications, or other circumstances which warrant the filing of a new map.
C. The planning director except as otherwise provided may waive the requirement for a parcel map, where two (2), three (3), or four (4) parcels and any remainder parcel are involved, and the smallest parcel created is two and one-half (2-1/2) gross acres or a two and one-half (2-1/2) one-half (1/2) acre aliquot part of a section or greater; provided said director has made a finding that the proposed division of land complies with the requirements as to: (1) area, (2) improvement and design, (3) flood water drainage control, (4) appropriate improved public roads, (5) sanitary disposal facilities, (6) potable water supply availability, (7) environmental protection, (8) other requirements of Title, (9) the Subdivision Map Act, (10) other applicable ordinances of the City, and (11) adequate survey data exists to properly identify the property as determined by the City Engineer. A record of survey recorded after January 1, 1983, shall not constitute adequate survey data to permit a waiver of the requirement for a parcel map. The finding shall be based upon evidence, information and recommendations of the development review committee or individual development review committee member acting within the departmental area of expertise.
D. The planning director shall not waive a parcel map as a condition of approval of a vesting tentative parcel map.
E. Where the requirement for a parcel map is waived pursuant to provisions of this Section, a tentative map may be required by the planning director. The planning director may establish application procedures for subdivisions which are not subject to the requirement for tentative and final maps.
F. When a parcel map rather than a final map is required by this Title, the subdivider has the option of submitting a tentative map.
G. The subdivider shall submit a tentative map in place of a minor subdivision plot plan to obtain the rights conferred by the Subdivision Map Act and this Title, for a vesting tentative map.
H. The requirements of Section 16.08.010.E., F. and G. shall apply to the filing of parcel maps for the conversion of residential real property to another use.