16.08.020 Tentative Map Format.
The content and form of tentative maps shall be governed by the provisions of this Section.
   A.   Standards and Preparation. The tentative map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer licensed to practice surveying or licensed land surveyor in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, the Adelanto Municipal Code, and any other ordinances, statutes or laws, or any amendments thereto, pertaining to the use, sale or lease of land. The tentative map shall be prepared in compliance with the officially adopted general, community or specific plans or any amendments thereto, adopted pursuant to the State planning and zoning law and in accordance with the standard streets and highways plan adopted by the City Council, as amended. The tentative map shall show the location of streets and property lines bounding the property and shall conform to all of the following provisions and the standards found on record as prescribed by the planning agency.
      1.   Each tentative map shall be drawn to an engineer’s scale and clearly show the details of the plan thereon. Wherever practicable, such scale shall be one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet or less; and in no case shall the scale be smaller than one (1) inch to two hundred (200) feet.
      2.   The tentative maps shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
         a.   Development proposed on the subdivision (lot sale or building program);
         b.   Source, name of supplier, quality and an estimate of available quantity of water, or, if to be served by an established mutual water company or an established public utility, a letter shall be furnished to indicate that satisfactory arrangements have been made or can be made for water supply;
         c.   Type of street improvements, utilities and streetlights which are proposed to be installed. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66473.3 and Section 16.04.060.C.1.c. of this Code, this information shall include the type of cable television systems to be installed, if any cable television system is available;
         d.   Proposed Method of Sewage Disposal. If by sewers, the applicant must furnish a letter from an authorized representative of the entity or agency which will provide such sanitary sewer service, assuring that such entity or agency can and will accept for disposal sewage generated on the land under consideration after its improvement. The planning agency shall give written notice to the entity or agency which owns the related sewage treatment plant prior to issuance of the written determination of filing of the proposed subdivision. This filing requirement has not been met when, within fourteen (14) days from the date of providing of the above required notice, the entity or agency which owns the related sewage treatment plant has submitted an independently certified engineering report to the office of planning which demonstrates that adequate sewage treatment plan capacity is not available;
         e.   The drainage area tributary to the subdivision and a statement setting forth in detail the manner in which storm runoff will enter the subdivision, the manner in which it will be carried through the subdivision, and the manner in which disposal beyond the subdivision boundaries will be accomplished;
         f.   Topographical and contour data shall be shown pursuant to adopted County standards;
         g.   The widths and locations of all recorded easements which are to remain;
         h.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of utilities, school districts, fire protection agencies, and cable television services required in Section 16.04.060.C.1.c., serving the tract;
         i.   Remainder parcels shall be indicated as a “remainder parcel” and shall be subject to review for design access, water and sewer availability and other such improvements as may be necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare and are consistent with the intent of this Title. Waiver of improvements may be granted for remainder parcels where the size exceeds five (5) acres;
         j.   When any change is made by the subdivider in the statement given in pursuance of this Section, such change or changes shall be submitted in writing to the planning agency and approved prior to the recording of the final map;
         k.   In the case of a subdivision to convert a mobile home park to another use, the subdivider shall file a report on the impact of the conversion upon the displaced residents of the mobile home park to be converted. The report shall discuss the availability of adequate replacement space in mobile home parks in determining the impact of the conversion on displaced mobile home park residents. The subdivider shall make a copy of the report available to each resident of the planning agency is to take action upon the tentative map.
         l.   In the case of a vesting tentative map, at the time it is filed it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words “Vesting Tentative Map.”
   B.   Tract Number. Prior to filing a tentative map of a subdivision or reversion to acreage, a licensed engineer or surveyor shall obtain a tract number or numbers from the County Recorder. When a number has been assigned by the County Recorder for the subdivision of a particular parcel of land, the subdivider shall place this same number upon each tentative map of the subdivision; and the number issued shall not thereafter be changed or altered in any manner upon the tentative map of the subdivision unless and until a new number shall have been assigned by the County Recorder.