1.25.030 Definitions.
   A.   “Disrupt a Public Meeting” or “Disruptive Conduct” shall mean and include addressing the City Council, Commission, Board or Committee without first being recognized; not addressing the subject before the Council, Commission, Board or Committee; repetitiously addressing the same subject; shouting at or threatening the members of the Council, Commission, Board or Committee in a manner which makes it difficult or impossible to maintain decorum, or which places the members(s) of the Council, Board or Commission in fear for their lives or safety or for the lives or safety of other persons in attendance at the meeting; failing to relinquish the podium when requested to do so; or otherwise preventing the Council, Commission, Board or Committee from conducting its meeting in an orderly manner, as determined by the presiding officer of the Council, Commission, Board or Committee, or by a majority of the members thereof.
   B.   “Sergeant at Arms” for a public meeting shall mean the City Manager or his designee at any meeting of the City Council and the department head assigned to attend any meeting of a Commission, Board or Committee, or his designee.
   C.   “Willful Disruption” of a public meeting shall mean persistent disruptive conduct after a verbal warning has been issued by the officer presiding over the meeting or conduct which is violent and which immediately jeopardizes the public health and safety.