13.20.010 General Provisions.
   A.   Standards and specifications for transportation facilities and all work done within the public road right-of-way shall conform to the standards and specifications of the Engineering Department.
   B.   Right-of-way shall be required as shown on the adopted General Plan circulation map.
   C.   In instances where roadways are designated on the circulation plan where no road currently exists, the location and design standards, including the grade and alignment, will be determined by the Engineering Department at the time of submittal of street improvement plans for the individual project.
   D.   Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum paved radius of forty (40) feet and right-of-way width of fifty (50) feet; length shall not exceed three hundred thirty (330) feet; provided, that adequate fire flow is available, unless approved by the Fire Department.
   E.   Acceptable legal and physical access shall be provided to each site in accordance with the following:
      1.   Acceptable access shall include a public thoroughfare or right-of-way which is dedicated, deeded or condemned for use as a principal means of access to abutting property and which is constructed to acceptable standards for the purpose of carrying through traffic; any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the City Engineer;
      2.   Where substandard alleys are located at the rear or sides of property, such alleys shall be used primarily for service functions, including but not limited to, trash collection, utility service and fire access; alleys shall not be intended or used for conveyance of through traffic, required parking or for primary access;
      3.   Alleys which conform to City standards may be allowed for secondary access;
      4.   Any existing alleys must conform to standards contained herein in order to be approved for public use of access;
      5.   Paving for alleyways shall meet specifications of the Engineering Department;
      6.   Minimum alley right-of-way width shall be thirty (30) feet and dedication to the City shall be required.