8.60.070 Personal Cultivation Permits.
   The following conditions apply to each personal cultivation permit:
   A.   Except for individuals who qualify for an indigent waiver, each personal cultivation permitee must pay a personal cultivation permit fee in an amount to be established by resolution of the City Council to offset the cost to the City of administering this Chapter as a prerequisite to obtaining the personal cultivation permit.
   B.   The City Manager's designee shall establish qualifications for an indigent waiver of the personal cultivation permit fee ("indigent waiver"). Qualifying individuals shall obtain the indigent waiver from the City Clerk. An indigent waiver shall entitle a qualifying individual for either a reduction or a complete waiver of the personal cultivation permit fee according to the criteria established by the City Manager's designee.
   C.   A personal cultivation permit will not be awarded or renewed if:
      1.   The applicant made one (1) or more false or misleading statements or omissions in the application or during the application process.
      2.   The proposed personal cultivation activity would violate State or local law.
      3.   The applicant does not have legal authority to engage in personal cultivation at the proposed personal cultivation site.
      4.   The applicant has not satisfied each and every requirement of this Chapter.
      5.   The applicant has had a previous personal cultivation permit revoked.
      6.   The applicant has not maintained compliance with each and every requirement of this Chapter prior to renewal.
   D.   Only one (1) personal cultivation permit may be possessed or used by the same person.
   E.   Personal cultivation permits may only be issued for private residences and accessory structures, and only one (1) personal cultivation permit may be issued per parcel.
   F.   Personal cultivation permits are subject to any additional conditions that may be applied by the City at the time of issuance or renewal as necessary to properly regulate the activity and protect the public.
   G.   Within ninety (90) days of obtaining a personal cultivation permit, the cultivation area must be inspected and approved by the Building Official, the Fire Department, Code Enforcement, and law enforcement.
   H.   Personal cultivation permitees shall keep the City and law enforcement updated with the names, ages, and addresses of all occupants, lessors, and owners of the personal cultivation site.
   I.   Personal cultivation permits shall expire and become null and void twelve (12) months after issuance unless properly renewed, Prior to renewal, all applicable personal cultivation permit fees must be paid, and the cultivation area must be inspected and approved by the Building Official, the Fire Department, Code Enforcement, and law enforcement.
   J.   Personal cultivation permits issued pursuant to this Chapter are not transferable to any third parties under, any circumstances.
[Ord. No. 555, 10/26/16.]