1.22.090 Nuisance Abatement Lien.
   A.   If the nuisance abatement costs are upheld, in full or in part, by the Hearing Officer, or if the time for requesting a hearing has elapsed and the invoice has not been paid in full within the time designated by this Chapter, the City may record a lien against the nuisance property for any unpaid amount.
   B.   Prior to recording a lien, the City shall serve notice of the lien on all persons or entities with a recorded interest in the nuisance property. In addition, the owner of record shall be served in accordance with Government Code section 38773.1.
   C.   In the event that the lien is discharged, released, or satisfied, then notice of the discharge, release, or satisfaction shall be recorded on the nuisance properly.
   D.   If the lien is not satisfied within 90 calendar days, the City may foreclose on the lien.
[Ord. No. 568, Section 2, 5/10/17.]