5.16.150   Suspension and Revocation of Licenses; Fines.
   A.   General. All Licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to suspension or revocation in the time and manner set forth in this Section.
   B.   Grounds. Any License issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be suspended or revoked if it is found that in the time and manner hereinafter described:
      1.   The California Gambling Control Commission has suspended or revoked a Licensee's License; or
      2.   A Licensee has violated, or permitted, allowed or caused the violation of any provision of this Chapter, any regulation issued pursuant to this Chapter, or any state law or regulation relating to the operation of a Card Club; or
      3.   A Licensee has failed to pay, when due and payable, any of the License Fees or other fees provided for in this Title; or
      4.   A Licensee has permitted, allowed or caused any violation of any condition of approval imposed upon the issuance of such License; or
      5.   A Licensee has made any fraudulent statement as to a material fact on an application form, or as to any other information presented as part of the application process.
   C.   Fines. In the event of a violation described in Subsection B.2., 3., 4. or 5. of this Section, a fine, not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each violation, may be imposed on the Licensee in lieu of suspension or revocation.
   D.   Action of City Manager. Whenever the City Manager has information that a violation, constituting a ground for suspension, revocation or fine has occurred, he/she shall forthwith investigate the same. If he/she determines that such a violation has occurred, he/she shall forthwith set the matter for consideration by the City Council at its next most convenient meeting. The City Manager shall give notice to the Licensee of the time and the place of the hearing before the City Council, not less than five (5) days in advance of the date set for such hearing.
   E.   Hearing. At the time set for such hearing, the City Council shall hear the evidence presented by the City Manager, or his/her designee, purporting to show that grounds exist for suspension, revocation or a fine; thereafter, the City Council shall permit the Licensee, and any other interested person, to present such evidence as may be relevant to dispute the existence of such facts. The City Council may continue the hearing from time to time. If it is satisfied that probable cause for revocation exists, and that continued operation of the Card Club jeopardizes, or threatens to jeopardize, the public welfare, the City Council may suspend the License pending the conclusion of the hearing.
   F.   Decision of City Council. If based upon the evidence presented, the City Council finds that facts are presented which constitute grounds for suspension or revocation, it shall suspend or revoke the License or, in lieu of revocation or suspension, in the event of a violation described in Subsection B.2., 3., 4. or 5. of this Section, shall impose a fine, not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). If it finds that such facts are not present, the City Council shall dismiss the proceedings. The decision of the City Council shall be final and conclusive.
[Ord. No. 249, § 150, adopted 9/22/92; Ord. No. 462, Section 3, 5/9/07; amended by Ord. No. 646, § 2, adopted 12/13/23.]