5.16.100   Denial of Application.
The City Council may deny issuance of any License under the provisions of this Chapter in any of the following cases:
   A.   If the proposed business or activity to be operated is or will be in violation of any Federal, State or City law or regulation; or
   B.   If the Games for which a License is applied are unlawful; or
   C.   If the Applicant, and each Pointholder thereof, has not first applied for an obtained a valid license from the California Gambling Control Commission; or
   D.   If any Applicant has made any false statement in the application or as to any other information presented as part of the application process; or
   E.   If any Applicant does not have the financial capability or business organization to operate a Card Club in a manner which would adequately protect the patrons of the Card Club and the citizens of the community,
[Ord. No. 249, § 100, adopted 9/22/92; Ord. No. 462, Section 3, 5/9/07; amended by Ord. No. 646, § 2, adopted 12/13/23.]