17.165.058 Revocation
   (a)   Whenever the use, maintenance, or continuation of nonconforming conditions or use is granted through the means of Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Location and Development Approval, Extensions, Expansions, or other approved changes, the same may be revoked by the City Council whenever the City Council finds that the terms or conditions of any CUP, Variance, Location and Development Approval, Extension, Expansion, or other approval are being violated, the condition or use of the property constitutes a public nuisance, or the health, safety, or welfare of the surrounding property owners or residents is being threatened by the continuation of said nonconforming use or condition.
   (b)   The revocation process may be initiated by the order of the City Council, or any person demonstrating that his/her health, safety, or welfare is being adversely affected by the continuation of circumstances existing on nonconforming property.
   (c)   The property owner shall be notified of the commencement of the revocation process pursuant to Sections 17.165.050 and 17.165.054.
[Ord. No. 544, Exhibit A, 3/23/16.]