17.100.070 City Council Review of Planning Commission Actions
The City Council is specifically empowered to review all actions of the Planning Commission for any reason. Appeals of Planning Commission decisions by the City Council shall be subject to the following requirements:
   ·   Appeals of actions of the Planning Commission by the City Council must be filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) working days of the Commission’s action.
   ·   Appeals pursuant to this section must be filed jointly by any two (2) City Council members, who may request that an item be called for review by the City Council.
   ·   The City Council shall review the same project as the Planning Commission.
   ·   Items recalled by the City Council shall be subject to the same type of public action (i.e., action item without public hearing or public hearing item) and public noticing at the City Council as at the Planning Commission.
   ·   Appealed items shall be scheduled for the next available City Council meeting.
   ·   No fee shall be required when an item is called for review by City Council members in conformance with the requirements of this section.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit M, 5/22/13.]