Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meaning established by this section:
"Additional Incentives" means such regulatory concessions as specified in California Government Code Subsections 65915 (d) and (h) to include, but not be limited to, the reduction of site development standards or zoning code requirements, direct financial assistance, approval of mixed-use zoning in conjunction with the Housing Development, or any other regulatory incentive which would result in identifiable cost avoidance or reductions that are offered in addition to a Density Bonus. See Section 17.21.050 of this Chapter.
"Affordable Rent" means monthly housing expenses, including a reasonable allowance for utilities, for rental Target Units reserved for Very Low or Lower Income Households, not exceeding the following calculations:
(1) Very Low Income: 50 percent of the area median income for San Bernardino County, adjusted for household size, multiplied by 30 percent and divided by 12.
(2) Lower Income: 60 percent of the area median income for San Bernardino County, adjusted for household size, multiplied by 30 percent and divided by 12.
"Affordable Sales Price" means a sales price at which Lower or Very Low Income Households can qualify for the purchase of Target Units, calculated on the basis of underwriting standards of mortgage financing available for the development.
"Density Bonus" means a minimum density increase of at least 25 percent over the otherwise Maximum Residential Density.
"Density Bonus Housing Agreement" means a legally binding agreement between a developer and the City to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter are satisfied. The agreement, among other things, shall establish: the number of Target Units, their size, location, terms and conditions of affordability, and production schedule. See Section 17.21.070 of this Chapter.
"Density Bonus Units" means those residential units granted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter which exceed the otherwise Maximum Residential Density for the development site.
"Equivalent Financial Incentive" means a monetary contribution, based upon a land cost per dwelling unit value, equal to one of the following:
(1) A Density Bonus and an Additional Incentive(s); or
(2) A Density Bonus, where an Additional Incentive(s) is not requested or is determined to be unnecessary. See Section 17.21.040 of this Chapter.
"Housing Cost" means the sum of actual or projected monthly payments for all of the following associated with for-sale Target Units: principal and interest on a mortgage loan, including any loan insurance fees, property taxes and assessments, fire and casualty insurance, property maintenance and repairs, homeowner association fees, and a reasonable allowance for utilities.
"Housing Development" means construction projects consisting of five or more residential units, including single family, multifamily, and mobilehomes for sale or rent, pursuant to this Chapter.
"Lower Income Household" means households whose income does not exceed the lower income limits applicable to San Bernardino County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50079.5 of the California Health and Safety Code.
"Maximum Residential Density" means the maximum number of residential units permitted by the City's General Plan Land Use Element and Zoning Ordinance at the time of application, excluding the provisions of this Chapter. If the housing development is within a planned development overlay zone, the maximum residential density shall be determined on the basis of the general plan and the maximum density of the underlying zone.
"Non-Restricted Unit" means all units within a Housing Development excluding the Target Units.
"Qualifying Resident" means senior citizens or other persons eligible to reside in Senior Citizen Housing.
"Senior Citizen Housing" means a housing development consistent with the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 12900 et. seq., including 12955.9 in particular), which has been "designed to meet the physical and social needs of senior citizens," and which otherwise qualifies as "housing for older persons" as that phrase is used in the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-430) and implementing regulations (24 CFR, part 100, subpart E), and as that phrase is used in California Civil Code Section 51.2 and 51.3.
"Target Unit" means a dwelling unit within a Housing Development which will be reserved for sale or rent to, and affordable to, Very Low or Lower Income Households, or Qualifying Residents.
"Very Low Income Household" means households whose income does not exceed the very low income limits applicable to San Bernardino County, as published and periodically updated by the State Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code.