2.18.010 General Rules Regarding Appointments.
   A.   Unless otherwise provided by law or by ordinance or resolution, or unless by the very nature of a situation the provisions hereof may not be applicable, all members of boards, committees or commissions of the City shall be appointed by the City Council, shall hold their offices only at the pleasure of the City Councilmember who nominated for office said board, committee or commission member; and any member of a board, commission or committee may be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by the City Councilmember who nominated said appointee to office or by a majority vote of the entire City Council, except in cases where the Mayor or City Council are not the appointing authority (in which cases such regular appointing authority may exercise this power of removal). If a member absents himself or herself without advance permission of the board, commission or committee or of his or her appointing authority, from three (3) consecutive regular meetings or twenty-five percent (25%) of the duly scheduled meetings of the board, committee or commission within any fiscal year, his or her office shall thereupon become vacant and shall be filled as any other vacancy.
   B.   Unless otherwise provided by law or by ordinance or resolution of the City Council, all members of any board, committee or commission of the City appointed by the City Council shall initially, and during their incumbencies, reside within the boundaries of the City. No such member shall at or during his incumbency be an employee of the City.
   C.   The resignation of any member of a board, committee or commission shall be in writing and becomes effective immediately upon filing with the City Clerk or on the date stated in the written resignation.