(A)   Records. The following charges are hereby adopted to be charged to those persons receiving services or copies of records furnished by the County Department of Health, which scheduled fees for services and charges are as follows:
      (1)   Regular birth certificate: $6;
      (2)   Laminated birth certificate: $8; and
      (3)   Death certificate: $6.
   (B)   Environmental. The following fee schedule is hereby established for the environmental section of the County Health Department as follows:
      (1)   Food permits (issued yearly; payable by December 31):
         (a)   Establishments that prepare or process potentially hazardous food: $90;
         (b)   Establishments that do not prepare or process potentially hazardous food: $45;
         (c)   Late fee (if paid after December 31): $25;
         (d)   Temporary food permits: $5 per day (not to exceed $25); and
         (e)   Non-profit groups: no charge.
      (2)   Septic permit: $50; and
      (3)   (a)   Contractor’s certification for one year: $50; and
         (b)   After June 30: $25.
   (C)   Clinic.
      (1)   The following levels are hereby established for the imposition of rates and charges according to this schedule based upon the recipient’s income level as follows.
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Annual update/or reinstatement
Doctor’s exam
Non-injectable medication
Repeat exam
      (2)   Flat fees for the clinic are as follow:
         (a)   TB test: $10;
         (b)   Records copied: $1;
         (c)   Lice products: $2.50; and
         (d)   Immunizations: Suggested donation of $1 per injection.
   (D)   Determination of income level.
      (1)   The levels of charges in division (C)(1) above shall be based upon the determination of income eligibility guidelines as determined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services as from time to time amended.
      (2)   In the event any of the fee schedules herein set forth are in conflict with any existing or subsequently enacted state or federal regulations or guidelines, the state or federal guidelines shall prevail.
(Ord. 2003-6, passed 6-30-2003)