(A)   A County Emergency Operations Plan shall be prepared by the County Civil Defense Advisory Council and the Civil Defense Director. The Emergency Operations Plan shall be submitted in writing by the Director to the County Commissioners for their review. The Emergency Operations Plan so submitted shall be subject to modification by the County Commissioners. The Emergency Operations Plan for the county shall become effective, either as submitted or as amended, upon adoption of said plan by resolution of the Board of Commissioners. In the preparation of the Emergency Operations Plan, it is the intent that the services, equipment, facilities, and personnel of all existing departments and agencies shall be utilized to the fullest extent possible. The following content shall be included in the plan:
      (1)   Basic Plan to include:
         (a)   Purpose;
         (b)   Situation/assumption;
         (c)   Concept of operations;
         (d)   Assignment of responsibilities;
         (e)   Direction and control;
         (f)   Continuity of government;
         (g)   Administration and logistics; and
         (h)   Execution.
      (2)   Annexes to include:
         (a)   Direction and control (warning and communications);
         (b)   Radiological protection;
         (c)   Law enforcement;
         (d)   Fire and rescue;
         (e)   Health and medical;
         (f)   Welfare;
         (g)   Shelter;
         (h)   Evacuation;
         (i)   Public works; and
         (j)   Resource and supply.
   (B)   In addition, all participating emergency services who develop internal plans shall coordinate those plans with the Department of Civil Defense in order to include such plans within the County Comprehensive Plan. When approved, it shall be the duty of all county departments and agencies to perform the functions and duties assigned by the plan and to maintain their portion of the plan in a current state of readiness at all times.
(Ord. 1989-11, passed 10-2-1989)