(A)   The County Civil Defense Advisory Council is hereby created and established for the purpose of performing those duties hereinafter set forth. The Council shall consist of 16 members. The County Commissioners shall appoint individuals to serve on the Council who meet the qualifications for membership as set forth in the by-laws of the Advisory Council. The term of each member shall be established by the County Executive at the time of appointment.
   (B)   Regular meetings shall be held at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called at any time by the County Executive, Director, or the Chairperson of the Advisory Council. Business at a regular or special meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the by-laws of the Advisory Council. Notice of any meeting shall be given as provided by statute.
   (C)   The last regular meeting of each calendar year shall be deemed the annual meeting of the Advisory Council. At the annual meeting, the Director for the upcoming year shall be appointed. Officers for the upcoming year shall also be elected at the annual meeting in accordance with the by-laws of the Advisory Council.
   (D)   The County Civil Defense Advisory Council shall exercise general supervision and control over the Civil Defense and Disaster Program of the county, the Hazardous Material Emergency Program of the county, and shall select or cause to be selected a county Civil Defense Director. The Council shall prepare and keep current a local comprehensive emergency plan for the county. The Council shall also be responsible for distributing to all appropriate officials in written form a clear and complete statement of the emergency responsibilities of all local agencies and officials and of the disaster chain of command to be followed in the event of an emergency.
(Ord. 1989-11, passed 10-2-1989)