(A)   The Board shall have all powers and duties permitted by the laws of the state pursuant to I.C. 8-22-2-5, and by rules and regulations it may create which are consistent with the laws of the state.
   (B)   In general, the Board shall abide by the provisions of I.C. 8-22-2-1 et seq., and amendments thereto.
   (C)   In the event the Board wishes to sell part or the whole of any aviation land or improvements owned by the eligible entities (City of Decatur and the county), then the Board shall prepare an ordinance authorizing the sale and submit it to the fiscal body of each entity. Before any part of the aviation land or improvements are transferred, passage of an ordinance by both the City of Decatur and the county, by and through their fiscal bodies, will be required. Proceeds from the sale shall be deposited in the Aviation Fund provided for hereinafter, which shall be managed by the County, which shall be responsible for all required accountings of said funds with state and federal taxing authorities.
   (D)   The Board shall have the authority to accept gifts of money or property, and may accept such gifts subject to conditions imposed by the donor, if the Board determines that acceptance of such gifts are in the public interest.
(Council Ord. 1987-5, passed 4-14-1987)