There shall be established a Joint Aviation Board of Commissioners, hereafter referred to as “Board,” which shall consist of six members to be appointed by the executive of the City of Decatur (the Mayor) and the executive of the county (the County Board of Commissioners), as follows.
   (A)   The executive of the City of Decatur shall (first) have the right to appoint three members to the Board, provided that no more than two members shall be of the same political party; and further, that (second) the executive of the county shall have the right to appoint three members to the Board, provided that such persons shall be of a political party to the end that no more than three of the total six members shall be of the same political party.
   (B)   The first two members of the Board shall hold office as follows: two for the term of four years, which said members shall be appointed by the executive of the City of Decatur; two for a term of three years, which said members shall be appointed by the executive of the county; one for the term of two years, which said member shall be appointed by the executive of the county; and one for the term of one year, which said member shall be appointed by the executive of the City of Decatur.
   (C)   The first members so appointed shall hold office from 12:00 p.m. on the first Monday in January of the year of their appointment, which shall be January 5, 1987. On the expiration of their respective terms, the executive of the respective entity shall appoint a Commissioner or Commissioners to fill the vacancy or vacancies caused by the expiration, and the Commissioner or Commissioners so appointed shall hold office for a term of four years, and until their successor or successors are appointed and qualified. If a vacancy occurs in the Board by resignation or otherwise, the executive who made said appointment shall appoint a Commissioner for the remainder of the term of said Commissioner vacating his or her appointment.
   (D)   The Board shall elect a President, Vice President, and Secretary from its membership, each of whom shall serve in such offices for a term of one year. Such officers shall be elected annually at the Board’s annual meeting to be held in December of each year, and such officers shall take office on the first Monday of the following year. On alternate years, the office of President shall rotate between an appointee of the city and an appointee of the county.
   (E)   Any executive having appointment powers may, at any time, remove a Commissioner from officer, who said executive has appointed, but only upon filing in writing with the Clerk of the fiscal body the reason or reasons for the removal.
(Council Ord. 1987-5, passed 4-14-1987)