A.   Purpose; Application; Prohibited Acts: This section shall apply to and is intended to ensure a safe and peaceful operation of Expo Idaho. No person shall:
      1.   Harm, frighten, chase, tease, annoy or throw objects at an animal or release any animal from captivity or open any fence or gate containing or restricting the movement of animals.
      2.   Engage in any unlawful conduct or criminal activity or in any way commit a violation or breach of the peace, as defined by Idaho Code and/or this Code.
      3.   Endanger the safety or health of any person by prohibiting the normal flow of and movement of pedestrians through the grounds and by blocking entryways, pathways, and attractions so that other people may not freely pass.
   B.   Ejectment: An Idaho law enforcement officer, the Director and/or his duly authorized representative, shall have the authority to eject from Expo Idaho any person acting in violation of this section. Any person ejected from Expo Idaho shall leave promptly and peaceably and shall not return for any reason on the same calendar day of his/her ejectment. (Ord. 854, 4-5-2016; amd. Ord. 859, 1-24-2017)