A. General Requirements:
1. All landscaping shall be in conformance with this article, and the Dry Creek Ranch Comprehensive Plan.
2. All landscape areas shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system with the exception of those lots in the hillside portions of Dry Creek Ranch. The irrigation system shall comply with the following design criteria:
a. The irrigation system shall be designed to provide appropriate spacing to avoid overspray onto impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and parking areas.
b. Sprinkler heads irrigating lawn or other high-water-demand areas shall be circuited so that they are on a separate zone or zones from those irrigating trees, shrubs, or other reduced- water-demand areas.
3. All developed lots shall use low water and drought tolerant grasses and shrubs, including xeriscape where appropriate.
4. Non-potable water shall be the first source of irrigation water for common area irrigation where available.
5. All non-residential development shall be provided with a pressurized irrigation system.
6. Landscape irrigation systems shall be designed to meet the needs of the plants in the landscape.
7. Landscape irrigation systems shall be equipped with automatic controller with operational flexibility to adjust for seasonal water conservation and temporary water shortage restrictions.
8. Landscape street buffer requirements shall be as follows:
a. Abutting State Highway 55: Fifty feet (50');
b. Abutting minor and major arterials: Thirty feet (30');
c. Abutting collectors: Twenty feet (20').
9. No final plat shall be approved until such time as the applicant has provided a landscape plan to Ada County, for review and approval. In addition to those standards set forth in chapter 4, article F of this title, the landscape plan shall contain the following:
a. The location, size, and type of all proposed landscaping materials (including specific references as to the species of plant materials), and verification that minimum landscaping requirements have been satisfied. All plants shall be shown at seventy five percent (75%) mature growth.
b. Existing vegetation to be saved shall be identified on the landscaping plan along with protection measures to be used during grading and construction. (Ord. 703, 2-10-2010; amd. Ord. 864, 2-21-2017)