Development shall only be approved on a property that meets the minimum dimensional standards of section 8-3N-5, table 8-3N-5D of this article. Access shall be taken from the required frontage unless the property also has frontage on an alley, an approved private road, or an approved common driveway.
A. Alleys:
1. Alleys may be permitted in all land use districts within the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community.
2. The width of an alley shall typically be twenty feet (20'), but shall not be less than sixteen feet (16') and shall be paved.
3. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment should be avoided, but where necessary, corners will be cut off sufficiently to permit safe vehicular movement.
4. Dead-end alleys shall be permitted, with written approval from the applicable fire district.
5. Alleys may count as required lot frontage in all residential zones.
6. Alleys may be public or private. If private, the alley must be owned and maintained by the Dry Creek Ranch Property Owners' Association.
7. An alley may intersect an alley.
8. An alley may curve and/or turn.
B. Common Driveways:
1. Common driveways may be permitted in all land use districts within the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community.
2. A three foot (3') wide landscaped area shall be constructed and maintained between the common driveway and lots which do not utilize the common driveway.
3. The street frontage requirement of each flag lot served by the common driveway may be reduced to five feet (5').
4. All individual private driveways, on lots that are contiguous to the common driveway, shall originate from the common driveway, not the public street, unless existing site conditions preclude this design. On arterials and collector street, all lots or parcels within the subdivision that abut the lot or parcels that have reduced street frontage and contain the common driveway shall take access from the common driveway to minimize access points, unless the parking for an existing dwelling cannot be reasonably reconfigured to take access from the common driveway.
5. A perpetual ingress/egress easement and maintenance agreement shall be recorded and provided with the final plat application. The easement shall be delineated on the final plat or recorded by a separate document.
6. The common driveway and all necessary support utilities shall be constructed concurrently with public improvements. (Ord. 703, 2-10-2010; amd. Ord. 864, 2-21-2017)