The following definitions shall be used in the interpretation of the Dry Creek Ranch zoning ordinance. Any term used in this article not defined herein, shall have the meaning set forth in chapter 1, article A of this title. Any term not defined herein or in chapter 1, article A of this title, shall have its plain and ordinary meaning.
ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY: An age-restricted development, which may be in any housing form, including detached and attached dwelling units, apartments, condominiums and residences, offering private and semi-private rooms.
ALLEY, DRY CREEK RANCH: A service roadway that may be public or private, providing a means of access to an abutting property and may be utilized for general traffic circulation. An alley may also provide required frontage to a building lot.
BULK: A building's shape, size, and mass. Often expressed and determined by its floor area ratio (FAR).
BUSINESS PARK: A development on a tract of land that contains a number of separate office structures, with accessory and supporting uses, and open space designed, planned, constructed and managed on an integrated and coordinated basis.
COMMON DRIVEWAY: An access shared by adjacent property owners that is privately owned and maintained.
COMMUNITY CENTER: A structure or structures utilized for recreational, social, educational and cultural activities by Dry Creek Ranch residents.
COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTER: A temporary structure, administrative facilities, and parking area principally used as an information pavilion and/or office for the sale of homes in the community.
DESIGN GUIDELINES: Sub-Element F-9 of the currently adopted Dry Creek Ranch Development Plan on file with the Ada County Development Services Department.
DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC): The Design Review Committee for the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community created in accord with the requirements established in the recorded covenants, conditions and restrictions for the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community.
DRUGSTORE: A store where the primary business is the filling of medical prescriptions and the sale of drugs, medical devices and supplies and nonprescription medicines but where non-medical products may be sold as well.
DRY CREEK RANCH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Dry Creek Ranch Comprehensive Plan consists of the vision, goals, objectives, policies, and maps as adopted by the Board, and serves as a guide for development of the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community. The Dry Creek Ranch Development Plan and economic impact analyses are included as addenda to the Dry Creek Ranch Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the approved Dry Creek Ranch Comprehensive Plan with addenda is on file with the Ada County Development Services Department.
DRY CREEK RANCH DEVELOPMENT PLAN: The Dry Creek Ranch Development Plan includes a) a natural features map and analysis, b) a narrative describing the proposed land uses and design of the project, c) a map showing existing land uses within one mile of the project site, d) a narrative assessment of development and population trends in Ada County, e) a transportation and mobility plan, f) a community services and utilities plan, g) an open space, parks and trails plan, h) a wildlife mitigation plan, i) narrative and examples of proposed central design concepts, j) a phasing plan, k) a letter from the public-school entity who receives the designated school site from Dry Creek Ranch that indicates how it will meet the district needs, and l) a Storm water management plan and narrative. The Dry Creek Ranch Development Plan is on file with the Ada County Development Services Department.
DRY CREEK RANCH LAND USE MAP: A map identifying land use designations and/or land use districts within the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community and found in the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community Comprehensive Plan.
DRY CREEK RANCH, OPEN-SPACE: See definition of open-space.
DRY CREEK RANCH OR THE DRY CREEK RANCH PLANNED COMMUNITY: That area depicted as such on the Dry Creek Ranch Land Use Map and Ada County Zoning Map.
DRY CREEK RANCH PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION: The Idaho nonprofit or for-profit corporation whose members or stockholders consist exclusively of property owners within the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community and whose purpose is to provide for the administration and governance of the affairs of the Dry Creek Ranch in accordance with the covenants and restrictions of Dry Creek Ranch.
A. An independent dwelling unit that has been added onto or created within a single-family dwelling;
B. A dwelling unit that is located in a completely separate structure on the same lot as the principal dwelling and is subordinate to the principal dwelling, such as a guesthouse.
DWELLING, LIVE/WORK: A residential use type that combines a dwelling and a commercial space under single ownership in a structure.
DWELLING, LOFT: A residential dwelling unit located above a non- residential use.
FENCE, OPEN: A fence constructed with openings between the materials used in its construction.
FENCE, SOLID: A fence, including gates, constructed of solid material, wood or masonry through which no visual images may be seen.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Eagle Fire District.
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): The sum of the horizontal areas of the several floors inside the exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, divided by the lot area.
FRONTAGE, DRY CREEK RANCH: That side of a lot abutting either a public or private street or alleyway.
A. A linear open space established along either a natural corridor, such as waterway, ridgeline, scenic roadway or other route;
B. Any natural or landscaped course for pedestrian, equestrian or bicycle passage;
C. An open-space connector linking parks, community gardens, natural spaces, cultural features or historic sites with each other and with populated areas;
D. Locally, certain strip or linear parks designated as a parkway or greenbelt; or
E. Any man-made linear open space along a canal, lateral or ditch. Greenways shall be considered "developed open space".
HEALTH CLUB FACILITY: An establishment that provides facilities for aerobic exercise, running and jogging, exercise equipment, game courts, swimming facilities, saunas, therapeutic massage, lockers, showers, personal training and nutritional services and products.
HOSPITAL, LARGE ANIMAL: Any building or portion thereof designed or used for the care of the following animals: cattle, sheep, goats, horses, hogs, large exotic cats or similar animals.
HOSPITAL, SMALL ANIMAL: Any building or portion thereof designed or used for the care of the following animals: dogs, cats, primates, birds, water fowl, reptiles, rodents and similar animals.
LANDSCAPE PLAN: A component of a development plan on which are shown: proposed landscape species (such as number, spacing, size at time of planting and planting details); proposals for protection of existing vegetation during and after construction; proposed treatment of hard and soft surfaces; proposed decorative features; grade changes and buffers and screening devices.
LARGE ANIMAL GROOMING: Any building or portion thereof designed or used for the grooming of the following animals: cattle, sheep, goats, horses, hogs, large exotic cats or similar animals.
LOT, CORNER: A lot or parcel abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection or upon two (2) parts of the same street, such streets or parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less than one hundred thirty five degrees (135°). The point of intersection of the street lines is the "corner".
LOT, FLAG: A lot where access to the public or private road is by a private right-of-way or driveway. Minimum lot frontage for flag lots shall be as specified in section 8-3N-5, table 8-3N-5D of this article.
MEW: Dwelling units built around a common open space area or court where the units face the open space area and are generally not accessed from a public street.
MODEL HOME: A single-family dwelling which is shown to prospective buyers of lots or dwellings for the purpose of promoting the retail sale of lots or dwellings within Dry Creek Ranch.
OPEN-SPACE: An open area used for passive or active recreation by the residents of Dry Creek Ranch or for conservation.
OPEN-SPACE, DEVELOPED: An open area for human activities that range from recreation activities to pastimes. Developed open space includes those parcels of property, such as roadway medians, which are improved and landscaped. Parks, pathways, and trailways shall be considered developed open space.
OPEN-SPACE, NATURAL: An open space area generally not occupied by any structures. These open spaces may include pathways, and trailways with or without pavement, wayfinding and/or interpretative signage.
PARKWAY: A landscaped area located between the edge of a street section or curb and a sidewalk dedicated to separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
PATHWAY: A clear way for pedestrians; equestrians or bicyclists that may or may not be improved.
RESTAURANT, OUTDOOR: Any part of a food establishment located outdoors, not used for any other purposes, open to the sky, with the exception that it may have retractable awning or umbrellas, and may contain furniture including: tables; chairs; railings and planters.
SHOPPING CENTER, CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL: A small shopping center that typically features an approximately two thousand five hundred (2,500) square foot groceries/sundries store as an anchor tenant and may also provide other services such as gasoline sales, dry cleaners, coffee shop, dentist office, beauty shop, day care, etc. A convenience shopping center may have an average building area ranging from fifteen thousand (15,000) to thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet and occupy one (1) to three (3) acres.
SHOPPING CENTER, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL: A moderate sized shopping center planned and developed as a unit, typically composed of a grocery up to sixty thousand (60,000) square feet in size, and usually containing additional smaller tenants serving a local market area. A neighborhood shopping center may have a gross floor area ranging from thirty five thousand (35,000) to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet and may occupy up to ten (10) acres.
SMALL ANIMAL GROOMING: Any building or portion thereof designed or used for the grooming of the following animals: dogs, cats, primates, birds, water fowl, reptiles, rodents and similar animals.
STABLE, BOARDING: A structure designed for the feeding, housing and exercising of horses not owned by the owner of the premises for which the owner of the premises may receive compensation.
STABLE, PRIVATE: A detached accessory building or structure for the keeping of one (1) or more horses or cows owned and used by the occupant of the premises and not for remuneration, hire or sale.
STREET, ISLAND, DRY CREEK RANCH: A landscape island located within or surrounded by public or private street right-of-way.
STREET, KNUCKLE, DRY CREEK RANCH: An expansion of a local street typically around curves providing access to abutting properties and enlarged turning movement.
STREET, PRIVATE, DRY CREEK RANCH: A street approved by Ada County, which provides both access and street frontage for individual lots. Private streets are to be owned and maintained by the Dry Creek Ranch Property Owners' Association.
SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE, DRY CREEK RANCH: A final plat located within the Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community shall be deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat when:
A. 1. The proposed lots have a twenty-five percent (25%) or less deviation in the dimensional standards;
2. The proposed lots meet the dimensional standards of the base zoning district; and
3. The entire Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community (1, 414 acres) does not exceed the overall residential lot count of one thousand eight hundred fifteen (1,815) residential lots; or
B. 1. The widths of the proposed lots immediately adjacent to existing recorded lots are the same size or larger as the lots shown on the preliminary plat or the lot widths are the same size or larger as the lots shown on the preliminary plat or the lot widths are the same size or larger than the existing adjacent recorded lots;
2. The proposed lots meet the dimensional standards of the base zoning district; and
3. The entire Dry Creek Ranch Planned Community (1,414 acres) does not exceed the approved overall residential lot count of one thousand eight hundred fifteen (1,815) residential lots.
TREES, CLASS I, II, III: The classes of trees are defined for the purposes of this title by the publication Tree Selection Guide for Streets and Landscapes Throughout Idaho. In general, Class I trees are smaller ornamental trees, Class II trees are medium/large trees appropriate for street tree planting, and Class III trees are very large trees.
WATER TOWER: A water storage facility, usually above ground.
XERISCAPE: Landscaping that is characterized by the use of vegetation that is drought tolerant or of low water use in character.
(Ord. 703, 2-10-2010; amd. Ord. 864, 2-21-2017; Ord. 952, 5-10-2023; Ord. 980, 8-27-2024)