A. Street names shall conform to the following standards:
1. Any street, whether public or private, that provides access to two (2) or more addressed structures or properties must be officially named according to the provisions of this chapter.
2. Every street name shall include a predirectional of North, South, East, or West, based on the street's direction of travel and its location relative to the initial point of the addressing grid in which it lies.
3. A street's predirectional shall not change even if the street's direction changes. Streets that meander or are diagonal relative to the cardinal directions shall be treated as either a north-south or east-west street and the most appropriate predirection shall be used along the entire length of the street.
4. Every street name shall include one of the following posttypes:
a. Avenue: A north-south street generally running in a straight line.
b. Boulevard: A street that is eighty feet (80') wide or greater and which directional travel is separated by a raised median which is usually landscaped. The use of this term must be approved by ACHD.
c. Court: An east-west cul-de-sac.
d. Drive: A street generally meandering in an east-west direction.
e. Lane: A private road. Any street which will not be dedicated to ACHD or another public entity is considered a private road and must be assigned this posttype.
f. Place: A north-south cul-de-sac.
g. Road: A street which extends through both urban and rural areas. The use of this term must be approved by ACHD.
h. Street: An east-west street generally running in a straight line.
i. Way: A street generally meandering in a north-south direction.
5. Street names shall not be more than thirteen (13) characters in length, including spaces, except for when an existing street with a nonconforming name is to be extended.
6. Street names shall not contain the words North, South, East or West or any combination thereof. These shall only be used as predirectionals.
7. Proposed street names shall not duplicate existing names in spelling or pronunciation. Differentiation between existing and proposed names shall not be accomplished by changes in spelling or by the use of different predirectionals or posttypes.
8. Proposed street names shall not sound alike or be easily confused with existing street names as determined by the county assessor.
9. Proposed street names shall not be vulgar or profane as determined by the county assessor.
10. Where a proposed street is in general alignment with an existing street and is determined by the county assessor to be a continuation of that street, the existing street's name shall be continued to the proposed street. For a proposed street to be considered a continuation of an existing street, all of the following must be true:
a. Future development will likely extend the proposed street and/or the existing street segments and cause them to connect or cause them to be less than one mile apart;
b. Assigning the existing street name to the proposed street will not negatively impact the public safety or the delivery of public services;
c. The segments are separated by one hundred fifty feet (150') or less as measured perpendicularly to the direction of travel;
d. The segments are not situated in a manner that would cause duplication of address numbers across the segments.
11. Where a proposed street connects or aligns with two (2) differently named streets, the county assessor shall determine which existing name will be used giving consideration to the streets' lengths, classifications, usage, and the number of residents affected.
12. Where a proposed street aligns with an existing street which has an incorrect posttype, the proposed street shall be named with the correct posttype.
13. A cul-de-sac that has a length of one hundred feet (100') or less shall be given the same name and posttype as the street from which it emerges. A cul-de-sac greater than one hundred feet (100') in length shall be given a different name than the street from which it emerges.
14. If a street makes a very obvious change in direction, as determined by the county assessor, a new street name shall be assigned, except as herein provided for "L" shaped streets. The change in name shall occur as close as possible to the point where the direction changes.
15. Both portions of an "L" shaped street shall be assigned the same name if either leg is one hundred feet (100') or less in length, otherwise each leg shall be assigned a different name. (Ord. 853, 3-22-2016)