A.   All development shall be in accord with the regulations in chapter 4, article A of this title and, where applicable, according to a master site plan as approved subject to the standards of chapter 4, article E of this title.
   B.   Access shall comply with the regulations of section 8-4A-3 of this title or private road requirements of chapter 4, article D of this title.
   C.   A planned unit development shall be reviewed in accord with regulations outlined in chapter 3, article D of this title.
   D.   Manufactured home parks shall be processed in accord with the regulations outlined in section 8-5-3-66 of this title.
   E.   Manufactured homes that meet all the criteria listed in the definition of single-family dwelling as found in section 8-1A-1 of this title shall be considered single-family dwellings. This shall not be construed, however, as abrogating any recorded restrictive covenant. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000)