8-2B-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this article is to implement the applicable comprehensive plans within areas of city impact. These base districts are intended to provide appropriate density for residential development based on the availability of urban public facilities, the surrounding land uses, and the applicable comprehensive plan designation. The purpose statements of the individual residential base districts are as follows:
   A.   Rural-Urban Transition (RUT) District:
      1.   Provide standards and regulations for the development of property within areas of city impact, consistent with the goals and policies of the applicable city comprehensive plan;
      2.   Allow agriculture and rural residential uses to continue within areas of city impact until urban public facilities are extended;
      3.   Provide standards and regulations that shall permit redevelopment of property to higher densities when urban public facilities are extended; and
      4.   Limit new agricultural uses within the areas of city impact to those that shall not significantly impact nearby urbanizing areas with noise, odor, dust, or other nuisances normally related to more intensive farm uses, such as livestock confinement facilities with three hundred one (301) or more animal units. This article, however, shall in no way preclude the continued use of properties within these areas for agriculture.
   B.   Southwest Community Residential (RSW) District:
      1.   Implement the Boise City comprehensive plan for the southwest planning area. After the effective date of this title, rezones to designate additional land "southwest community residential" shall not be approved;
      2.   Allow agriculture and rural residential uses to continue within areas of city impact until urban public facilities are extended;
   C.   Estate Residential (R1) District, Low Density Residential (R2) District, Medium Low Density Residential (R4) District, Medium Density Residential (R6) District, And Medium High Density Residential (R8) District:
      1.   Provide regulations and standards for development where urban public facilities are programmed. The maximum allowed density shall be as follows:
         a.   R1 - One dwelling unit per acre;
         b.   R2 - Two (2) dwelling units per acre;
         c.   R4 - Four (4) dwelling units per acre;
         d.   R6 - Six (6) dwelling units per acre;
         e.   R8 - Eight (8) dwelling units per acre;
      2.   Provide options for applicants so they may develop areas with the most appropriate density as it relates to the surrounding land uses and the applicable comprehensive plan designation.
   D.   High Density Residential (R12) District And Very High Density Residential (R20) District:
      1.   Provide regulations and standards for development where urban public facilities are programmed;
      2.   The maximum allowed density shall be as follows:
         a.   R12 - Twelve (12) dwelling units per acre;
         b.   R20 - Twenty (20) dwelling units per acre;
      3.   Accommodate multiple-family dwellings including, but not limited to, townhouses and/or apartments, consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan designation; and
      4.   Accommodate zero lot line developments of single-family detached, single-family attached, and multi-family dwellings consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan designation.
   E.   Manufactured Home Districts (R1M And R8M):
      1.   To accommodate existing M base districts and recognize the existing development rights of residential properties within a manufactured home base district; and
      2.   Establish standards and regulations governing the location of manufactured homes in existing M base districts for the purpose of protecting property rights and enhancing property values while making accommodations for other necessary types of development, consistent with the purposes of the "local land use planning act", Idaho Code section 67-6501 et seq., as amended. The maximum allowed density shall be as follows:
         a.   R1M - One dwelling unit per acre.
         b.   R8M - Eight (8) dwelling units per acre. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000; amd. Ord. 699, 6-18-2008; amd. Ord. 902, 10-2-2019)