8-2A-1: PURPOSE:
   A.   Common Purpose Statements Of The Rural Preservation (RP) District And The Rural Residential (RR) District:
      1.   Promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the people of Ada County by encouraging the protection of prime agricultural lands; to ensure the important environmental features of the state and Ada County are protected and enhanced; and to protect fish, wildlife, and recreation resources, consistent with the purposes of the "local land use planning act", Idaho Code section 67-6501 et seq., as amended;
      2.   Implement the Ada County comprehensive plan goal to protect prime agricultural land and to maximize opportunities for agricultural activities and an agricultural lifestyle in areas designated as rural areas on the comprehensive plan future land use map;
      3.   Allow the development of agricultural industries and agriculture service establishments when such uses do not take prime agricultural land out of crop production;
      4.   Protect agricultural and rangeland uses and wildlife management areas from undue adverse impacts from adjacent development;
      5.   Permit the development of schools, churches, and other public and quasi-public uses in rural areas consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan; and
      6.   Direct urban density development to occur within urban base districts and the planned community base district.
   B.   Additional Purpose Statements:
      1.   Rural Preservation District: Permit the continued use of agricultural lands, rangelands, and wildlife management areas within the Boise front foothills (in areas designated as the foothills planning area in the Boise City comprehensive plan and the Ada County comprehensive plan). Limit development of hazardous areas including, but not limited to, fault lines, landslides, subsidence, shallow soils, steep slopes, unstable slopes, flooding, and seeps. Allow a limited number of uses with excessive space requirements or buffering needs on nonprime agricultural lands.
      2.   Rural Residential District: Permit low density residential uses that would provide a rural lifestyle, and that do not require excessive expansion of public services. (Ord. 389, 6-14-2000; amd. Ord. 621, 5-24-2006; amd. Ord. 699, 6-18-2008; amd. Ord. 738, 2-23-2010)