It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly fight with another person in a public place. "Fighting" means any use of physical force on the person of another in an angry, rude, or threatening manner, or in a manner, which may endanger or disturb the peace of others. A violation of this section will be punishable as a misdemeanor.
Any peace officer empowered to enforce this provision of this Code is authorized to issue a uniform citation upon his/her own observation of a violation without the necessity of a citizen complainant's signature on the citation. By signing the citation, the peace officer empowered to enforce this provision certifies that he/she has reasonable grounds to believe that the person cited committed the offense contrary to law. Any citizen or person in whose presence an alleged violation of this provision occurred may also sign a uniform citation, which is to be witnessed by a peace officer. (Ord. 736, 12-22-2009)