Any person who shall conduct himself/herself in a violent, noisy, or riotous manner, or in any way commit a breach of the peace of another person(s), and/or who shall conduct himself/herself in a manner that endangers the health and safety of another person(s), and/or who conducts himself/herself in any other manner as specified in this section, is guilty of a misdemeanor; and a violation of this section shall also include, but not be limited to, the following:
   A.   Accosting other persons in any public place, or in any place open to the public, for the purpose of begging or soliciting.
   B.   Engaging in or soliciting anyone to engage in lewd, lascivious, or dissolute behavior in a public place, or in a place open to the public, or in view from a public place.
   C.   Occupying, lodging or sleeping in any building, structure or place, whether public or private, or any automobile, truck, railroad car or other similar vehicles or equipment without the permission of the owner or the person entitled to the possession or in control thereof.
   D.   Failing or refusing to disperse immediately upon an order to do so by a police officer, when two (2) or more persons are assembled for the purpose of committing an unlawful act.
   E.   Interfering with any police officer or authorized official of the County, in the performance of duties connected with enforcement of this section.
Any peace officer empowered to enforce this provision of this Code is authorized to issue a uniform citation upon his/her own observation of a violation without the necessity of a citizen complainant's signature on the citation. By signing the citation, the peace officer empowered to enforce this provision certifies that he/she has reasonable grounds to believe that the person cited committed the offense contrary to law. Any citizen or person in whose presence an alleged violation of this provision occurred may also sign a uniform citation, which is to be witnessed by a peace officer. (Ord. 736, 12-22-2009)