A.   Applications for planned unit developments, subdivisions, and zoning ordinance amendments, within the City of Kuna areas of City impact shall occur as a result of a request for annexation to the City of Kuna; however, Ada County may consider such applications in those exceptions where annexation is not approved by the City of Kuna or where the parcel on which such application is filed is not contiguous to the City of Kuna, and therefore cannot be annexed.
   B.   At least thirty (30) days prior to any Ada County public hearing on any land use application for property within the City of Kuna areas of City impact, the Ada County Development Services Department shall notify City of Kuna of the land use application to be considered by the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Ada County Commissioners. The City of Kuna may provide, prior to or at the hearing, a recommendation to the Ada County Development Services Department Director on such application, citing the applicable adopted Comprehensive Plan policies, goals, objectives or provisions applicable to such recommendation. Any recommendation from the City of Kuna shall not be binding or controlling on the County, but shall be treated as documentary evidence in the hearing record, and be given due consideration.
   C.   The Board of Ada County Commissioners or the Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission shall not hold a public hearing on such application until either the recommendation of City of Kuna has been received, or thirty (30) days from the date notice of such application was sent to City of Kuna has passed.
   D.   The Ada County Department of Development Services shall notify the City of Kuna in writing of the final action on land use applications located within the City of Kuna areas of City impact within thirty (30) days following a decision by either the County Planning and Zoning Commission or Board of Ada County Commissioners, as applicable. (Ord. 863, 2-15-2017)