(a)   Single family Mobile Home.
   (b)   Gardening, provided however, that any such use permitted shall not be constructed to permit the sale, trading or dealing in the commodities or products thereof, other than as to those transactions which are completely of a casual or incidental nature.
   (c)   Accessory buildings and uses.
   (d)   The management may provide Service buildings for offices, repair and storage, laundry facilities, and indoor recreation areas. No such building shall be located closer than 50 feet from any mobile home.
   (e)   One permanent type dwelling structure if such dwelling is to be occupied by a resident-manager.
   (f)   Buildings or permanent type structures used exclusively to provide services for occupants of the Park; such as a recreation building, swimming pool and bath house, laundry room, Mobile Home Park Office, storage rooms, and the like.
   (g)   Accessory buildings or structures that are clearly incidental and attached to a mobile home; such as a carport, and the like.
   (h)   Advertising signs subject to all the following provisions:
      (1)   One identification type sign advertising the Mobile Home Park upon which it is located may be erected provided that no portion of the sign or its supports shall be within the required front yard area. Such sign may be double-faced, and may be lighted if lighting is arranged in such a manner that it will not distract or temporarily blind a motorist on the adjacent public street. The maximum area of the sign, including any border around it, shall not be more than one square foot per each lineal foot of frontage of the Mobile Home Park or 50 square feet, whichever is least. The maximum height if the sign shall not exceed 25 feet above ground.
      (2)   Directional signs as approved necessary by the Commission to assist in guiding persons to various locations within the park. Such signs may be double faced and lighted. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed two square feet.
         (Ord. 1986-06. Passed 5-27-86.)