Any building or structure, existing and in use, or land devoted to a nonconforming use on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance may not be altered and enlarged in a manner and form resulting in the extension or such nonconforming use, provided however, that the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals shall have the power to grant a variance under the provisions of Chapter 1179 hereof, allowing such extension under conditions as follows:
   (a)   The total alteration, enlargement, or extension of any existing structure or structures or the erection of additional structures shall not increase of such original structure or structures by a total of more than twenty-five (25%) percent.
   (b)   Such enlargement and/or extension shall not be detrimental in consideration of the surrounding neighborhood, but that the granting thereof shall remove an unnecessary hardship as to the owner thereof.
   (c)   The extension of such nonconforming use shall not reduce the minimum rear yard or parking area.
   (d)   When authorized by the Board, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1179, the substitution for a nonconforming use of another not more objectionable nonconforming use may be considered.
      (Ord. 1986-06. Passed 5-27-86.)